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Powered Sweet Corn Stripper Does A Dozen Ears Per Minute
"Our new electric-powered sweet corn stripper automatically cuts kernels off a cob of sweet corn at a rate of up to 12 ears per minute. It's very easy to use," says Wayne Tjeerdsma, Avon, S. Dak.
  The corn stripper is powered by a 1/20th hp electric motor that drives a plunger back and forth. As the plunger retracts, the operator sticks the pointed end of an ear into a "saddle" on the stainless steel dye. The plunger then pushes the ear through the dye, which has a sharp edge all the way around it. As the ear goes through the dye, the kernels are sheared off and fall into a bucket.
  "It works great for anyone who does a lot of canning or freezing," says Tjeerdsma. "The plunger goes back and forth 12 times per minute. We offer three different sizes of dyes to match cob size."
  Sells for $299 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Slectro Co., Box 226, 309 Spruce St., Avon, S. Dak. 57315 (ph 800 355-3221 or 605 286-3221).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4