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Scrap Steel Bin Keeps Shop Tidy
Francois Allard made a scrap steel bin for recycling that hangs by chains from a front-end loader and dumps when the bucket dumps.
  "We use it for smaller items like cultivator shovels, cut-off scraps, etc. In the past I always had a bunch of buckets sitting around. Now I just dump them in this bin," Allard says.
  He started with a 5-ft. box scraper and welded some old combine rasp bars under one side to make the bin even at the top. He used some angle iron taken from the scraper hitch to make a frame, which he welded underneath.
  "I used a cutting torch to make a few holes in the bottom so water can drain out," he says. "The bin sits outside our shop until it's full, and then we pick it up with chains hooked to the front and back of the loader bucket. We dump it into a big bin we get from our local recycling company."
  Contact: FARM SHOW followup, Francois Allard, Box 1188, St.-Isidore, Alberta, Canada T0H 3B0 (ph 780 624-3435; fax 780 624-9630); E-mail: fallard@telusplanet.net).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4