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LED Flashlight Is Easy On Batteries
After reading fantastic claims about new LED flashlights that "never burn out", I decided to buy one and test it out.
  I bought a Quantum 2000 flashlight, through a Website called gotsolar.com. It uses four AA batteries to power a white LED flashlight bulb. Made by Premiere Electronics, the company claimed it would operate at full light output even after 50 hours or more of continuous use.
  I decided to check that claim by installing new batteries, turning it on, and letting it sit. Two days later it was still shining bright. I installed a new set of batteries and there was no noticeable difference. So I put the old batteries back in and left the light on again. It was still putting out good light after four more days when we finally shut it off.
  The flashlight is watertight and the LED bulb, having no filament, is virtually indestructible.
  One obvious drawback is that the LED bulb doesn't put out as much light as a standard flashlight bulb. Still, it does make enough light for most flashlight uses. When more light is needed, the manufacturer includes a standard bulb in a special case attached to the wrist strap of the flashlight. It takes only a few seconds to make the switch.
  The Quantum 2000 sells for $35, including shipping. It can be ordered from Premier Electronics or the gotsolar.com Website. The flashlight case is black rubber.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Premiere Electronics, 765 North Bluff St., Suite A, St. George, Utah 64770; or Gotsolar.com, 420 Hillside #2, Brookings, Ore. 97415 (ph 541 412-7276; E-mail: sales@gotsolar.com; Website: www.gotsolar. com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6