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No-Till Seeder Designed For Small Plots, Feeding Wildlife
It's built heavier and is more versatile than anything else on the market," says Phil Kaster about his company's new 3-pt. mounted no-till seeder for small plot and wildlife seeding.
  The 6-ft. wide "Krimp-N-Seed" starts with a series of 22-in. dia. coulters (choice of notched or rippled) mounted on a 1 1/2-in. dia. axle. The big coulters are spaced 8 in. apart and are capable of making slits even in heavy ground cover. The coulters are followed by the seed hopper, and behind it is a series of spring-loaded, cast iron press wheels.
  "It has a wide-open design so there's little chance of anything clogging up. As a result you can use it in the woods and on rough terrain without any prior tillage," says Kaster. "It comes with built-in weight trays for aiding penetration. Several farmers have told me this unit is ideal for pasture renovation.
  "It's not designed to be a precision planter. To adjust seed population, you simply move a stop to adjust the size of the opening in the bottom of the seed hopper."
  Sells for $4,995.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kasco Mfg. Co., Inc., 170 W. 600 N., Shelbyville, Ind. 46176 (ph 800 458-9129; fax 317 398-2107; Website: www.kascomfg.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6