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Imported "Mini Trucks" An Alternative To Bigger ATV's
On display at the recent Sunbelt Expo near Moultrie, Ga., was a line of imported mini-trucks equipped with 4-cylinder diesel engines. The King Agro Mini-Vehicles are available in eight different models with payload capacities ranging from 2,200 lbs. to 6,600 lbs. The trucks are assembled in Asia.
  King Agro representative Nathan Gallatin says the trucks are a good alternative to Deere Gators and Kawasaki Mules because they have a much higher carrying capacity.
  "Overseas these trucks are used as basic transportation, but here, because of strict Department of Transportation standards regarding air bags and impact beams, they're for off-road use only," says Gallatin. "They offer superior style, comfort, reliability, and affordably and can be driven either short or long distances. The trucks hold two to five passengers depending on the model. We provide a full parts warranty for one year or 10,000 miles. A good supply of parts is available for immediate shipment."
  The trucks start at $7,500.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nathan Gallatin, King Mfg. Group, 16580 NW 10th Ave., Miami, Fla. 33169 (ph 800 832-5464 or 305 625-4500; fax 305 621-7200; E-mail: nathan@kingintl.com; Website: www.kingminitruck.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6