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A Toolbox Christmas
If the sound of your shop tools has always been music to your ears, then you'll love "A Toolbox Christmas", a new music CD that contains all your favorite Christmas carols played on hand and power tools.
  With this truly unique collection of recordings, maestro Woody Phillips explores the full range of the workbench's symphonic potential, from the marimba-like 2 by 4's used to play Jingle Bells to a table saw duet featured in "Joy to the World". A power planer provides the counterpoint in "I Saw Three Ships", and in "Pat A Pan" you'll hear the familiar sound of a pneumatic nailer. Tchaikowsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" features an ensemble of antique hand drills, mandolins, anvils, T-squares, levels and pipes.
  The CD contains real music, pleasant and stirring to hear, and not just a collection of shop noise. To keep it civil and harmonic, Phillips blends the shop sounds with cello, dulcimer, flute, mandolin or oboe. At appropriate times there are other familiar sounds like a tape measure retracting; duct tape tearing; a little ball bearing rolling around in a spray paint can; and even the cheerful jingle of a sack of 10-penny nails.
  A Toolbox Christmas CD sells for $12 (cassette tape is $8), plus $2.50 shipping. California residents, add 8% sales tax.    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, A Toolbox Christmas, Gourd Music, P.O. Box #585, Felton, Cal. 95018 (ph 831 425-4939; toll-free 800 487-4939; E-mail: neal@gourd.com; Website: www.gourd.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6