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"Easy-On, Easy -Off" ATV Cab
Our new one-piece fiberglass ATV enclosure is easy to install and is built heavy for long-time use," says Wendell Whittle, Avalon Mfg., Milton, Fla.
  The fiberglass enclosure measures 43 in. wide by 58 in. long and comes with front and rear safety-laminated glass windows. Both sides of the enclosure are open. The unit mounts on the ATV's front and rear racks with four U-clamps and requires drilling holes into flanges on front and back of the unit. It weighs about 40 lbs.
  "It's built solid and is much more durable than conventional fabric enclosures because it can't rip," says Whittle. "It greatly reduces your exposure to brush and tree limbs. The safety-laminated glass used in the windows is similar to the glass on a car windshield, so if the glass breaks you're not likely to get hurt."
  The unit comes in a standard Shadowood grey color but is also available in camoflouge. Fits most ATV brands and models.
  Sells for $469 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Avalon Manufacturing, Inc., 2944 Avalon Boulevard, Milton, Florida 32583 (ph 850 994-0559; fax 850 994-5862; E-mail: buckhouse@ thebuckhouse.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6