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"Neck Tag" ID System
"Our new-style livestock identification tag is safe, visible from great distances, and reusable. We think it's the best livestock ID system on the market for breeding age cattle and horses," says Ron Diekemper, Carlyle, Ill.
  The "Agri-ID" tag is a buckled strap that's designed to go around an animal's neck. The strap has four 1 1/2 by 3-in. recessed identification areas for entering a name or numbering system. Each identification area is protected by an acrylic window to keep the information from fading. The windows are held on by a super strong adhesive.
  The tags come in four highly visible colors - blue, yellow, orange, and pink. They're made from a material designed to withstand abrasions and outdoor temperature extremes yet still remain flexible.
  "They have a lot of advantages over ear tags and other conventional ID systems," says Diekemper, noting that no special tools are needed to attach the neck straps. "We've tested them for 10 years so we know the system works. Unlike ear tags, they can't fall or tear out and no punctures are required to the animal so there's no risk of infection. The numbers are much more readable than they are on conventional tags, and they're in four places so you can see them from just about any angle.
  "They work better than ropes or chains which are hard to adjust, can become too loose or too tight, and can be dangerous to the animal. Ankle bracelets get too dirty to read.
  "The four different colors let you identify different groups of animals in the pasture or on the range.
  "The collar is designed with 50 and 90 degree angles, which use the animal's natural bone structure to keep the tag behind the jaw bone and the upper skull bone. As a result, it isn't likely to slip over the animal's head. The angles also allow for air circulation between the tag and animal and allow the tag to float which prevents skin abrasions. The chances of an animal getting æhung up' are very slim due to this design, but should it happen the safety buckle will release if more than about 150 lbs. of pull are applied on the tag. The tag can then be put back on the animal."
  Electronic transponders can be attached to the Agri-ID.
  Agri-ID tags sell for $5.80 apiece which includes S&H. The company also offers an enhanced black carbon marker that's good for marking more than 100 tags. The markers sell for $3.50 apiece (free when 10 or more tags are ordered).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agri-ID L.L.C., 1891 Franklin St., Carlyle, Ill. 62231 (ph 800 544-1239 or 618 594-4199; fax 618 594-4188; E-mail: ron@agri-id.com; Website: www.agri-id.com).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #1