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Hand Crank Pea Sheller
Easiest way we've found to shell peas (or butter beans) is "Mr. Pea Sheller", a hand-operated sheller that squeezes the pods open and rolls the peas out while you turn a crank and feed in more.
You can shell up to a bushel an hour with the hand-operated model 600-R, or hook your portable electric mixer to the drive shaft for 1-bu. per half-hour capacity. Peas aren't crushed or splattered when they go through the rollers, but simply roll out a trough and into a pie pan or shallow bowl. A clear, plexiglass shield protects your fingers and allows you to monitor the shelling operation.
For optimum performance, the beans or peas must be at least 1/4 in. or larger before shelling. They can't be too green or too dry or they may be crushed or refuse to pass through the rollers. Overly mature, hard ones may be blanched for a few minutes to tenderize them before shelling.
Sells for about $17.
A larger capacity, electrically operated model 800-M Mr. Pea Sheller runs off a 1/15 hp. motor and shells out 1 1/2 to 3 bu. per hour.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mr. Pea Sheller, P.O. Box 29153-B, Dallas, Texas 75229.

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #3