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"Disk Blade" Bird Feeder
Audie Ribble, Hettick, Ill., made this indestructable bird feeder out of a pair of disk blades and the air intake stack off an old tractor.
  The lower 16-in. dia. disk blade holds feed and also serves as a squirrel deflector. The larger 18-in. dia. upper blade keeps rain off the feed. The air intake stack welds to the bottom disc blade and serves as a canister for the feed, which flows out holes cut into the bottom of the stack. A muffler rain cap bolted to the top of the stack serves as a lid.
  A piece of electric fence post welds to the top of the muffler rain cap and serves as a perch for birds.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Audie Ribble, 3971 Brookview Rd., Hettick, Ill. 62649 (ph 618 778-5262).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #2