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Double Duty Chain Saw Powers Augers, Pumps,Etc
New "double duty" chain saw includes a pto drive system that allows it to power specially-adapted attachments such as augers, water pumps, winches, etc. By removing the pto, you can quickly use the unit to saw wood.
The "Rev-Mec" features a Homelite 180 chain saw and a pto unit that's built into a 2-piece guard t
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Double Duty Chain Saw Powers Augers, Pumps,Etc FARM SHOP Tools 20-3-13 New "double duty" chain saw includes a pto drive system that allows it to power specially-adapted attachments such as augers, water pumps, winches, etc. By removing the pto, you can quickly use the unit to saw wood.
The "Rev-Mec" features a Homelite 180 chain saw and a pto unit that's built into a 2-piece guard that bolts onto the blade through two holes in the blade. The specially-adapted attachments are equipped with a hex shaft that fits into the pto. By adding a pto drive adaptor equipped with a round shaft onto the pto unit, you can use the saw to power conventional accessories such as generators, hydraulic pumps, etc.
"It's a multi-purpose tool that you can take anywhere you want," says Bill Watson. "You can use the 7-in. dia. auger to install fence posts, or in the winter for ice fishing. By attaching the winch and pulleys you can use it to pull out vehicles that are stuck. You can even use the winch while hunting to pull large game animals. It has a line speed of 45 ft. per minute. If there's no solid object to anchor the winch to you can use an anchoring system that we provide. The adaptor lets you use a cordless drill to power the winch as a stand-alone unit."
The saw sells for $229 (plus $8.50 S&H); auger and gearbox for $129 (plus $11.00 S&H); water pump bracket for $49 (plus $5.50 S&H); winch for $246 (plus $11.50 S&H); anchor $24 (plus $5.50 S&H); power adapter $24 (plus $5.50 S&H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stockwater Control Products, 117 South Adams Ave., Morrill, Neb. 69358 (ph 800 292-2987).
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