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Redesigned Bloodless Castrator
Wadsworth Mfg., St. Ignatius, Mont., manufacturer of the popular Eze Bloodless Castrator, recently introduced a new version of its castrator that's designed specifically for calves weighing up to 400 lbs.
  The "Tri Band" is a smaller tool that uses rubber bands but not clips. The Laytex rings on the tool open bigger and are twice as strong as the standard elastrator rings. When working with big calves, operators sometimes had problems with the standard ring popping off the applicator, or found that it wasn't big enough or strong enough. Those problems are eliminated with the new tool, says the company, noting that the company still sells the original castrator for bulls weighing 400 lbs. and up.
  Sells for $29.95 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wadsworth Mfg., 20 Dublin Gulch Rd., St. Ignatius, Montana 59865 (ph 800 535-2428 or 406 745-4348; fax 406 745-3688).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #3