2002 - Volume #26, Issue #3, Page #08
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Woven Wire Unrollers
The first holds a roll of wire horizontal to the ground. You simply drop the 3-pt. hitch mounted device over the roll of wire and insert a pipe through the ends of the device and the roll of wire. The device handles rolls up to 52 in. wide and 24 in. dia. It's made from 3/8-in. plate steel and weighs 64 lbs. Sells for $90 plus S&H.
The second wire handler is designed to hold the roll of wire vertically. To pick up a roll, you lower it to the ground and back into the roll. The 4-in. dia. pipe is inserted into the center of the roll. Then you lift it up vertically (one or two men can lift) and fasten the frame to the top link on the 3-pt. The wire roll rests on two 20-in. dia. circular metal plates that turn against each other. One is fixed in place and the other turns with the wire. As the wire is unrolled, it's prevented from coming off too fast by the two plates rubbing together.
Sells for $350 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, George Cook, Rt. 5, Box 2445, Scottsville, Va. 24590 (ph 434 873-1461).
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