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"Mixer Mill" Calf Hutch
Illinois dairyman John Swanson turned an old Artsway mixer mill into a low-cost calf hutch.
  "I saved a lot of money and was happy with the way it turned out," says Swanson.
  He bought the mixer mill at an auction for $15 and hauled it home on a truck. He cut the 5-ft. dia. hopper off the frame, then cut off the top part of the hopper. He cut a 20-in. wide, 36-in. high door into one side and then set the hopper on the ground upside down. An old calf feeder pan was placed over the opening on top to keep out rain and snow during the winter. The pan is removed during the rest of the year for ventilation.
  "The open bottom allows any moisture to drain into the ground," notes Swanson.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Swanson, 974 Grant Rd., Chana, Ill. 61015 (ph 815 732-6698).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #3