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Reconditioned Harvestores Cost 30% Less
If you've wanted a Harvestore but felt that you couldn't afford one, an Arkansas farmer has an answer for you. He can sell you a used one for 25 to 30 percent less than the price of a new one.
"These Harvestores are just like new," says Charles Peacock, whose firm buys and sells used structures. "We recondition them and replace anything that's worn."
Actually, the metal panels with their glass coatings never wear out, he says. Peacock's crews take down the old structures, load the panels on a truck, and haul them to his plant for reconditioning. There they are given a new glass coating and regalvanized.
Peacock's plant manufactures angles, troughs and bolts to replace old ones in used structures. The parts are then transported to a farm where one of his crews reconstruct it.
Peacock has been in this business for 11 years, and has moved about 400 Harvestores. "My crews do the same quality work as a Harvestore crew," he says. "They have to because we are in competition with dealers in new Harvestores."
Why are used Harvestores available?
Some farmers quit livestock farming and have no use for them.. Others have to be moved to make room for new roads. In a western state, several had to be moved to make room for a surface mining operation.
Another part of Peacock's business is selling replacement parts for Harvestore unloaders. Farmers send in worn parts for replacement with a rebuilt part.
Peacock's crew will go anywhere in the U.S. but most business is concentrated in the Midwest because freight costs are lower.
Peacock expects brisk business to continue in used Harvestores since there are at least 100,000 now in use. He has nine of his own on his 12,000-acre farm.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charles Peacock, Route 2, Bald Knob, Arkansas 72010 (ph 501 724-3283).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2