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Electric-Powered Garden Tractor
You can mow your yard in near silence with the Electric Ox garden tractor. It's the only electric-powered utility tractor on the market as far as we know.
  The 790-lb. tractor is powered by either a 36 or 48-volt battery pack. The 36-volt tractor ($7,350 U.S.) is equivalent to an 18 to 20 hp tractor and will run 5 hours on a charge. The 48-volt tractor ($8,250 U.S.) increases overall speed and power by about 30 percent.
  There's no gas or oil in the tractor, and no engine, transmission, belts or pulleys. A DC power unit is controlled by a single pedal. "Regenerative braking" captures the energy used to stop the tractor, eliminating the need for traditional brakes.
  The 44-in. mower deck ($1,495) is powered by three separate electric motors. Other options include a snowblower, rotary sweeper, and dozer blade. Optional 900 or 1,500-watt inverters allow the Electric Ox to act as a stand-alone power source for 120-volt power tools, pumps, lighting and motors.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Electric Tractor Corporation, 123 Snyder's Road East, Baden, Ontario N0B 1G0 Canada (ph 877 533-4333; Website: www.electric tractor.com).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #4