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Rebuilt 1912 Farmall F-12 Tractor
Your readers may get a kick out of this old 1912 Farmall F-12 tractor that I rebuilt many years ago. It's equipped with a huge 8-ft. dia. steering wheel. The entire front axle turns left or right by means of a big steel cog that meshes with a smaller cog connected to the steering wheel.
    The tractor was originally equipped with a single front wheel and a horizontal steering shaft that went straight across the top of the tractor. However, I converted it to a 4-wheeled model with a wide front axle, which makes fewer tracks and reduces compaction.
    I bought the tractor when I started farming about 50 years ago. It caught fire, which ruined the engine, and from then on it sat in my pasture for years until I got it running again. (E.A. Arldt, FM 2104 120 Cooke St., Paige, Texas 78659 ph 512 253-6518)

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #4