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2-Sided Wagon Speeds Seed Handling
"We can fill planters and drills much faster with this wagon setup than anything we've ever used," says John McCall, New Cambria, Kan., who mounted a Parker gravity wagon on a military surplus trailer.
  "We bought the 600-bu. wagon at a farm auction and the military trailer at an army base. A local welder mounted the wagon on the trailer and made a partition in the middle so it would hold 300 bu. on each side. Two J&M augers were purchased and attached, one to either side. A new hydraulic pump was installed so we can run the augers separately or together, as needed.
  "The floor at the front of the trailer has enough room for two full pallets of seed. When filling the planter, we put fertilizer in the hopper so we can fill the planter with very little moving around. When filling a drill, we put fertilizer in one side and seed in the other.
  "One thing we discovered when building this rig is that the military must use a different electrical system because the wiring would not hook up to the C-90 Chevy truck we use to pull the trailer. So we used the lights on the wagon instead."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John McCall, 3545 N. Niles Rd., New Cambria, Kansas 67470 (ph 785 825-2499; E-mail: mccall@earthlink.net).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #2