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"Wheel Hoe" Garden Tiller
This 1-row "wheelhoe" garden tiller covers a lot of ground in a short time, says the manufacturer.
  The Valley Oak Wheel Hoe was developed by an organic vegetable farmer for garden use. The tiller - an 8-in. wide tempered spring steel blade attached to a U-shaped metal frame - is positioned behind a large rubber wheel. The blade shears off weeds 1/2 to 2 in. below the soil surface.
  It's ideal for cultivating close to the plant row, says the company. Depth of cut is easy to maintain because of the angle and location of the blade.
  Blades are available in 5, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18-in. widths. Accessories include a furrower attachment that makes a 4 to 6-in. furrow for planting potatoes or for irrigating; and a 4-tine cultivator that breaks the crust, loosens and aerates the soil.
  A wheel hoe with an 8-in. blade sells for $230; with a steel wheel, $240. An optional quick changer sells for $20. The furrow attachment sells for $40 and the cultivator attachment for $60.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup,Valley Oak Tool Co., Box 1225, Chico, Calif. 95927 (ph 530 342-6188; email: david@valleyoaktool.com; website: www.valleyoaktool.com).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #4