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Temperature Cables Monitor Hay Stacks
Using cables equipped with thermocouple sensors to monitor grain temperature inside bins isn't a new idea. But using such systems to monitor temperatures in hay stacks is a new idea that's catching on, says TSGC Inc., Spirit Lake, Iowa.
  For years, the company has been marketing temperature cables that hang from a bin roof. The information can be manually recorded or stored and downloaded to a computer or directly to a printer.
  To use the system in hay stacks, the cables are laid horizontally through a stack, alternating layers. For stacks that are taller than they are long, the cable can be placed vertically rather than horizontally.
  "It lets you know if any hot spots develop so you can take action before spoilage, or a fire, occurs," says president Rich Cook. "What you're looking for is a trend in temperature change that might show any problems at a particular location. The system can be used on any type of bale including small square bales, round bales and big square bales. The number of cables used in a hay stack is determined by its size. The cable is available in 10-ft. increments in lengths from 100 to 300 ft."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, TSGC Inc., Box 468, Spirit Lake, Iowa 51360 (ph 800 438-8367; fax 712 336-0299; email: tsgc@tsgcinc.com; website: www.tsgcinc. com).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #5