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Easy-To-Handle Fold-Out Ramp
Have you ever struggled with a heavy metal ramp on the back of a trailer? Richard Martin decided to fold his ramp in half using a winch-powered mechanism that folds and unfolds the ramp.
   Before his modification the 5-ft. long ramp stood at a 90-degree angle at the back of his trailer. "I never liked the high profile and the wind resistance created drag on the road." Martin's solution was to cut the ramp in half and hinge it together. But then the ramp was tricky to deploy because the two parts would often swing closed on his hands. "We got our hands pinched a number of times, so I figured we'd better come up with something else," he says.
  "An old grain auger winch raises and lowers the ramp while a chain on the opposite side straightens it out as it drops down," he says. Despite being in two parts the ramp is still strong enough to accommodate his Deere Gator and other heavy loads. "It's pretty heavy duty. We haven't had any problems with it and I don't have to struggle any more lowering that ramp."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Martin, 542 1800th St., Lincoln, Ill. 62656 (ph 217 314-3349).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #5