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Allis Chalmers Diesel Pickup
Marion Klutzke's 1979 Ford pickup has 255,000 miles on it but doesn't burn a drop of oil. He says that's because of the Allis Chalmers 433 diesel engine that was put into the truck when it was brand new.
    The 4-cyl., 3.3-liter engine is turbocharged and inner cooled. It's still hooked up to the original automatic transmission.
    "The original owner had an AC dealer put the engine into the truck when it was brand new. I bought it later at a sale. At the time, there were no diesel pickups available," says Klutzke, who collects Allis Chalmers equipment. "I painted it orange."
    Klutzke says the truck is still his main farm pickup, and he uses it for over-the-road towing.
    The truck's original V-8 gas engine got only 6 to 7 mpg, but the AC engine gets 20 mpg.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marion Klutzke, 1928 N. 550 W., W. Lafayette, Ind. 47906 (ph 765 583-4512, cell 765 426-8588).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #5