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Dipstick For Christmas Trees
"Santa's Magic Water Spout" is an ornamental fill spout that makes watering Christmas trees easy.
  It consists of a 40-in. long green plastic funnel that's equipped with a red-knobbed wooden dipstick for measuring water depth in any Christmas tree stand reservoir. It inserts through the tree branches and into the stand so that the tree can be watered without bending and crawling. The dipstick makes it easy to check the water level every day and you can add water standing up.
  The company does not sell direct but can direct you to a retailer. Sells for $6.99.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Keystone Products, Inc., 300 S. Stratford Rd., Suite G, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103 (ph 336 748-1667; fax 336 748-1635; email: keystonesj@bellsouth.net; website: www.santasmagicwaterspout.com).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #6