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Cum Bossy Caf-Sling
"It saved us so much work handling calves last spring that we decided to make and sell them," reports Don Grazier, Garrison, Mont., rancher and designer of the new Cum-Bossy Caf-Sling.
"It's a simple sling with wooden slats, heavy webbing and a non-slip metal handle," explains Grazier. "It goes around the calf's middle. You pass the metal handle under and through the last slat and pick the calf up holding onto the handle. You can then suspend him from a small hook or bolt fastened near the inside left corner of the pickup's tailgate. You can also mount it on snowmobiles and ATV's with roll bars."
The sling pulls snug around the body and flank so the calf is held secure and won't struggle. Since the cow can still see the calf, she'll follow close behind.
Grazier suggests having the calf on the left side of the truck so it can be seen from the driver's seat. He positions the hook 4 to 6 in. from the top of the tailgate.
Grazier notes that the sling also works well for weighing calves. Sells for $26.50.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Follovvup, Don Grazier, 401 Hwy. 12 East, Garrison, Mont. 59731 (ph 406 846-3029).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #2