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Backyard Toilet Bowl Fountain
I thought your readers might enjoy these photos of my "backyard toilet bowl fountain" built out of discarded toilet bowls. The bottom row of five bowls sit on a concrete slab. The top toilets hang from a concrete block column.
  All bowls are partially filled with concrete and gravel so they will fill and overflow into the bowls below. A 12-in. spacing between tiers causes the top rows to trickle and splash as they overflow, causing a pleasant sound. Water is supplied to the top bowl.
  Birds and squirrels really like the fresh water. At first my friends and neighbors rolled their eyes and made a lot of jokes, but soon they were telling their friends and bringing them to see it. (Dan Pettitt, Ormond Beach, Florida; email: dpat40off@msn.com)

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2