Update On Solar Cat Shelter
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We got so many inquiries about our solar cat shelter featured in the last issue of FARM SHOW, that we have decided to start taking orders for them. We had calls and letters from people and even a pet store that wondered if we would make and sell them. So we started wondering if maybe we should.
We are charging $150 (Canadian), plus shipping, for a unit that measures 28 by 24 in. by 37 in. high. It's painted white and has an angled, shingled roof. Because the front lift-up access door is a large pane of glass, it creates a greenhouse that heats the house on cold or rainy days.
In the summer you can prop open the window panel to allow more air circulation.
In situations where shipping is too costly, we will also offer the cat shelter without glass, making it possible for customers to install their own. This incomplete shelter is priced at $142 (Canadian) plus shipping. (Dwayne and Betty Stewart, Box 97, Busby, Alberta, Canada T0G 0H0 ph 780 939-6730)
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Update On Solar Cat Shelter ENERGY Solar 28-2-41 We got so many inquiries about our solar cat shelter featured in the last issue of FARM SHOW, that we have decided to start taking orders for them. We had calls and letters from people and even a pet store that wondered if we would make and sell them. So we started wondering if maybe we should.
We are charging $150 (Canadian), plus shipping, for a unit that measures 28 by 24 in. by 37 in. high. It's painted white and has an angled, shingled roof. Because the front lift-up access door is a large pane of glass, it creates a greenhouse that heats the house on cold or rainy days.
In the summer you can prop open the window panel to allow more air circulation.
In situations where shipping is too costly, we will also offer the cat shelter without glass, making it possible for customers to install their own. This incomplete shelter is priced at $142 (Canadian) plus shipping. (Dwayne and Betty Stewart, Box 97, Busby, Alberta, Canada T0G OHO ph 780 939-6730)
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