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Chisel Ripper Plow
Add-on chisel plow shanks spaced between the ripper shanks on his big DMI tillage rig helped Clair Wilson, Winchester, Ill., solve a tough tillage problem.
The trouble was that in Wilson's dense bottom ground the deep-ripping DMI shanks ù which tear down 16 to 20 in. through hardpan ù leave narrow slots that plug up too easily from soil "fines" which quickly sift in and keep water from soaking into the ground. To solve the problem, Wilson removed the rear row of ripper shanks on the 18-ft. wide and replaced them with standard Deere chisel shanks that. only dig down 9 to 10 in. Runing down the center of the up-front row of ripper shanks, spaced on30 in. centers, the shallower chisel shanks throw up a mound of dirt that covers the slot cut in the soil.
"It acts like a filter, keeping the slot from plugging up. Water soaks in much better and faster," says Wilson, who had to build brackets to mount the spring-tripped Deere shanks on the DMI machine. Once converted, there's 15-in. spacing between the shanks.
"There seems to be a real benefit to working the soil above and below the hardpan, especially on bottom ground," Wilson says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clair Wilson, Rt. 2, Box 254, Winchester, Ill. 62694 (ph 217 742-3809 or 742-5608).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #2