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Lawn Furniture Repair
Got an old lawn chair that's falling apart? You might want to call Debbie & Steve Martz of Dallas, Texas, who turned a furniture repair hobby into a full-time thriving business.
    Other companies repair lawn furniture, but the Martz's also provide extensive "do-it-yourself" information for working on quality "heirloom"-type lawn and deck furniture.
    "When you're talking about high-end furniture, it's more economical than buying new," Debbie says. They sell vinyl straps, fabric slings, and a variety of other parts.
    You can order just a few straps to make minor repairs or refinish entire chairs, she says.
    Although they offer 50 different colors of vinyl, they can't match everything. The straps are made of commercial grade, 100 percent vinyl with no fillers so they're thicker than many straps produced overseas.
    One 200-ft. role of vinyl, which is enough to rework four chairs or two chaises, costs $70 plus shipping.
    Debbie says repairing sling furniture is also very popular. With a few simple measurements, they can create replacements with fabric of the customer's choice.
    "The problem with sling furniture is that we see so many different variations that it's hard to give them specific installation instructions because each manufacturer makes their chairs a little different," she says.
    "It makes me feel good because people can repair their furniture, get more use out of it and not be filling up the landfills," says Martz, noting that they also do custom powder coating of frames. For them to sand blast and powder coat a chair frame, it's about $85 per chair. They'll also restrap a chair for $3 a strap.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, ChairCarePatio.Com, 8804 Sovereign Row, Dallas, Texas 75247 (ph 214 638-6416; email: sdmartz@flash.net; fax 214 638-6756; website: www.ChairCarePatio.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4