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Space Saving Work Island
Pat Prom, Eden Prairie, Minn.: "I came up with my own space-saving work island by butting several big shop tools together back to back. The tools include a milling machine, iron worker, shear, and drill press. By placing the tools back to back I can get all of them into a smaller area without taking up as much wall space. I keep a portable anvil nearby that I made out of an old wheel rim and a length of railroad track.
  "I have a shop cart that's equipped with four separate toolboxes. I made the big tool cabinet shown at one end of the cart. The tool cabinet at the other end is a Sears model. The entire cart was originally mounted on four small caster wheels. To help absorb all the weight, I removed two of the end wheels and replaced them with bigger wheels that I mounted about one third of the way in. Two thirds of the weight is now on the big wheels, so the smaller caster wheels don't get overloaded."

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4