Solid-Seeded Silage Production
Solid-seeded corn appears to yield more silage of quality equivalent to corn planted in conventional 30-in. rows. A solid seeding demonstration is now in its second year at the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI), Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
  "Roundup Ready corn is the key reason we can try it," says Harvey Chorney, vice president, PAMI. "It lets us do weed control between the plants. If you just solid-seed corn with no way to control weeds, it's not a viable option."
  Chorney notes that Monsanto provided the chemical and the seed and a local implement dealer provided a Bourgault air seeder. A Claas self-propelled chopper was used last year and will be used again this fall. The co-sponsors could all see increased sales if the demonstration results continue to be positive.
  In 2003, the demonstration looked at two plots. The conventional plot consisted of 30-in. rows, while the air-seeded plot had random plant emergence. Both plots were planted at 28,000 seeds per acre with the same hybrid.
  This year, the conventional plot remained the same, but three seeding rates were tried with the air seeder: 28,000, 30,000 and 32,000 seeds per acre.
  "We had a rough spring, so getting in the field was tough," says Chorney. "We had hoped to do a field cultivation, but it was too wet. It was just dry enough to get in and plant, which we did. A couple weeks later, as the corn was starting to emerge, we made a single pass with Roundup."
  Chorney is aware of several farmers in Manitoba who have been solid seeding corn for years. Until now, there have been no direct comparisons from which to gather hard data. Chorney hopes these demonstrations will fill that gap.
  "The next question will be what happens to grain corn if it is air-seeded," says Chorney.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvey Chorney, PAMI, Box 1060, 390 River Road, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada R1N 3C5 (ph 204 239-5445; email:; website:

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5