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Service Truck Has A Fold-Out Roof
"It lets me do repair work outside even when it's raining," says Lee Schunk, Clare, Mich., about his home-built service truck that's equipped with a pair of "roofed" toolboxes, one on each side.
  The truck is a 1999 Chevrolet 3500A 1-ton model equipped with a 12-ft. flatbed on it. On each side of the flatbed are toolboxes that measure 4 ft. long, 4 ft. high, and 2 ft. deep. The door on each toolbox is hinged at the top and swings out - with help from a pair of gas shock assist cylinders - to create a "roof" that's about 8 ft. high. A metal bench folds down just below each toolbox to create a 1-ft. deep work area.
  One toolbox contains a rack that's hinged at one end and swings out. Both sides of the rack carry tools. Shelves behind the rack are used for storing larger tools such as cutting torches, pipe wrenches and threaders, etc. A generator is stored in a compartment in front of this toolbox, while a compartment behind it contains clear plastic trays. A metal bracket containing a 5-gal. water jug mounts on back of it.
  The toolbox on the other side of the truck is filled with parts trays. A 4-ft. wide open area between the boxes provides room for extra storage.
  Power outlets mount all the way around the truck for operating drills and grinders, etc.
  "It's really handy," says Schunk. "There's a light on the underside of each door which automatically comes on whenever I open a toolbox. I built it four years ago for my brother who does repair work for an oil company and uses it in the oilfields. He likes it because he can keep working even when it's raining. I haven't had time yet to build one for my own farm."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lee Schunk, 5503 S. Cornwell Ave., Clare, Mich. 48617 (ph 989 429-3921).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5