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PVC Bean Catcher Stops Crop Loss
"Works good and it's cheap," says Paul Pence, Columbus, Ohio, about the "bean catcher" he mounted on his Deere 6620 combine's header platform.
Pence wanted to stop soybeans from rolling off the front of the 16-ft. wide platform during harvest. He noticed that most beans were lost at the center of the header where auger fingers feed crop material into combine. So he attached a 6-ft. length of 11/2-in. dia. PVC pipe to the platform, positioned just behind the cutterbar.
"I used round plastic pipe because it was easy to install, with a few metal brackets, and cost very little. It blocks beans that roll forward, holding them there until they're pulled back into the combine or until the header is raised and they roll back," says Pence. "I think it saves as much as 2 percent of the total crop under some conditions."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Paul Pence, 2261 Walcutt Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43228 (ph 614 876-7835).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #6