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Lube Makes 5th Wheel Easy To Unlatch
I operate Smith Repair in Fredericksburg, Iowa. One job that's showing up more and more often these days are rebuilds of 5th wheel hitches. More farmers now use semi tractors and grain trailers to move grain. A majority of farmers run these trucks on gravel roads. When the time comes to unhook from the trailer, many find the 5th wheel very hard to unlatch. That's because the road dust gets absorbed by the grease in the latching mechanism on the underside of the 5th wheel plate. The grease gets very gummy and the latch is frustrating to unhook.
  I've come up with a method of lubricating 5th wheels that virtually eliminates this problem and makes trailers much easier to unhitch.
  After rebuilding a 5th wheel plate, I flip it over onto a sheet of cardboard and spray the locking mechanism thoroughly with three coats of an Amsoil product called Heavy Duty Metal Protector, or MPHD. It's packaged in an aerosol can and sprays out as a liquid. It dries to a waxy lubricating film that does not attract dust. I apply three coats, allowing each coat to dry. Once applied, my farmer customers tell me the 5th wheel plate no longer gums up like before. It's important to thoroughly clean the plate before applying.
  The MPHD only cures half the problem. If you then grease the top of the plate, grease will get pushed into the kingpin, thus getting it back down into the latch mechanism again. Amsoil has an aerosol synthetic 5th wheel grease to remedy the over greasing. This synthetic spray grease is very neat and easy to apply. It leaves behind a thin tenacious film that will not wash off or be pushed off the way grease can be. One can of the 5th wheel grease will last 2 to 4 applications, depending on how liberal it is applied.
  In my work, I've found that these two products applied to a 5th wheel hitch greatly reduce problems hooking and unhooking. I also use the Amsoil MPHD as a chain lube, on door hinges, grain trailer door slides, etc. Because it locks out oxygen and won't wash off, it also helps prevent corrosion. They work so well I have become an Amsoil dealer and can help anyone who wants to try these products.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Smith, Smith Repair, 2865 Union Ave., Fredericksburg, Iowa 50630 (ph 877 237-6536 or 563-237-6536).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5