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Add-Ons Made For Extension Ladder
Bob Hudspeth, Era, Texas: He recently sent FARM SHOW photos of a couple of slick add-ons he made for his extension ladder. "It makes the ladder safer to use, and also reduces damage to shingles and siding," says Hudspeth.
  He used 10 ft. of electrical conduit, two U-bolts, two 1/4-in. bolts, and two rubber tips off crutches.
  It consists of a 3-ft. wide, 14-in. deep U-shaped length of conduit that U-bolts to the top of the ladder. A crutch tip is affixed to each end. Another length of conduit is bent into a "P" shape and serves as a handhold on one side of the ladder. The leg of the "P" bolts to the ladder.

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3