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Baby Blue Panzer 2-seater
"I was looking for something out of the norm in looks and operation and this was it," says Scott Werling, Decatur, Ind. "I've put in a lot of work and attention to this tractor over the last six months."
  Werling bought a 1962 Pennsylvania Panzer at a gas engine show in Portland, Ind. "Everything was original and complete," he says. "I have the 8 hp electric start model, but it was also offered in 6 to 7 hp models."
  The Panzer has a Chrysler rear end and individual brakes for quick, tight turns. The transmission is a 3-step pulley for forward and you pull back on the gearshift against a rubber wheel on the motor shaft for reverse.
  "I also sandblasted over 50 parts on the tractor and painted it back to its original powder blue color. The tractor now has new tires and a few other additions," says Werling.
  "I added an extra seat, mounting both of them on a homemade frame and used motorcycle shocks to absorb the added weight," he notes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Scott Werling, 302 W. 400 N., Decatur, Ind. 46733 (ph 260 724-4190).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3