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Hay Rake Log Hauler
A commercial-built log arch for use behind an ATV was too high-priced to justify, so Gerald Borland went to his scrap pile to see what he could find. The Carthage, N.Y., farmer quickly turned an old horse drawn dump rake into what he has christened the Timber Tug.
All he needed to build it was a cutting torch and a welder.
"It works well, as long as you're not in a hurry," says Borland. "You can't run fast with it or you would tear it up. If you go slow, it works very well."
Borland stripped the rake down to the two big wheels and the frame. He cut it down to a width slightly wider than the ATV wheels. Using braces from the rake, a section of the frame and 3-in. channel iron, he formed a hitch.
The only welding done was to reinforce the sides of the hitch.
The large diameter wheels roll easily over stumps and branches. A simple come-along was attached to the top of the frame and ahead of the wheels. It grabs and lifts the log.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald Borland, 23189 County Rd 42, Carthage, N.Y. 13619 (ph 315 498-1964).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3