Tractor "Trike" & Jacked-Up Caddt Bring In Business
At the recent Farm Progress Show near Alleman, Iowa, we spotted this giant, home-built tricycle fitted with tractor tires and hooked up to a mini tile plow. The unit was built by Dennis Tellin, who farms and also does custom tile plowing near Maynard, Iowa (he uses Hancor tile, the company that had the trike in its exhibit).
"I built it two years ago for the Ragbrai bike ride across Iowa that draws thousands of people every year," says Tellin. "Farmers who live along the bike route often set up stands to offer refreshments. I live about two miles off the route, so I had to do something special to get riders to come to my stand. I also put together a Cadillac with tractor tires on back. We took photos of the riders in front of this equipment.
"Sometimes I display the tricycle in parades to advertise my tile plow business. I built a detachable hitch on front of the tricycle so I can use my Deere Gator to pull it. My wife rides on the tricycle and throws candy to the kids."
The trike is 6 ft. tall. The 18.4 by 38 tractor tire is fitted with a hub from an old hay rake.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dennis R. Tellin, 18534 100th St., Maynard, Iowa 50655 (ph 563 637-2774).

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Tractor "Trike" & Jacked-Up Caddt Bring In Business TRACTORS Made-It-Myself 28-6-20 At the recent Farm Progress Show near Alleman, Iowa, we spotted this giant, home-built tricycle fitted with tractor tires and hooked up to a mini tile plow. The unit was built by Dennis Tellin, who farms and also does custom tile plowing near Maynard, Iowa (he uses Hancor tile, the company that had the trike in its exhibit).
"I built it two years ago for the Ragbrai bike ride across Iowa that draws thousands of people every year," says Tellin. "Farmers who live along the bike route often set up stands to offer refreshments. I live about two miles off the route, so I had to do something special to get riders to come to my stand. I also put together a Cadillac with tractor tires on back. We took photos of the riders in front of this equipment.
"Sometimes I display the tricycle in parades to advertise my tile plow business. I built a detachable hitch on front of the tricycle so I can use my Deere Gator to pull it. My wife rides on the tricycle and throws candy to the kids."
The trike is 6 ft. tall. The 18.4 by 38 tractor tire is fitted with a hub from an old hay rake.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dennis R. Tellin, 18534 100th St., Maynard, Iowa 50655 (ph 563 637-2774).
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