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Cub Cadet With Bus Seat
Victor Olson, Atwater, Minn., replaced the original seat on his 1965 Cub Cadet garden tractor with one off a school bus. The seat can be tipped up, revealing a toolbox underneath.
  "My wife and I ride it around a lot at shows. It works a lot better than a golf cart because it has more traction," says Olson.
  He wanted to use the tractor at night, so he mounted a pair of big lights on front as well as a tail light on back. To provide power for the lights, he mounted a big 12-volt battery on one side of the tractor and a 70-amp alternator on the other side. The alternator is belt-driven by the same pulley that originally drove the mower. The tractor's original battery and starter-generator are still in place, but they're used only to start the tractor.
  "It really works slick. Sometimes at shows I use it to drive alongside big antique tractors as they pull moldboard plows through the field. I can run up and down the field and follow right along with them even on wet ground, whereas a golf cart would have tough going."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Victor L. Olson, 401 Dakota Ave., Atwater, Minn. 55907 (ph 320 974-3569).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6