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Barrel Stopped Radiator Clogging
When bush hogging tall, thick weeds, Paul Lowrance had trouble with the weed seeds shattering and getting sucked through the front grill of his tractor, clogging up the radiator.
    "I had to clean out the grill constantly," says the Soper, Okla., farmer, who went looking for an inexpensive solution to the problem.
    "I cut a plastic barrel in half and drilled some holes along the edge, then wired it to the front grill guard. It protects the grill opening from flying debris and pushes everything to one side or the other," says Lowrance. "Air is still able to come in from the back side of the barrel. I also folded a double layer of window screen in between the grill and the radiator to catch whatever material gets sucked up."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Paul Lowrance, P.O. Box 64, Soper, Okla. 74759 (ph 580 345-2713; email: lowrance@neto. com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6