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Bullet Flashlight
It looks like a big bullet but if you twist the point on this new shell-shaped device, a light will come on.
  Don Muhlnickel, an aviation buff in New Paris, Ind., created the bullet flashlights last year. He says they make a great conversation piece that many people just like to put on their desks.
  Venturetek, his company, offers two flashlight designs that are replicas of aircraft ordinance. The 20mm bullet light is a replica of shells fired by P38 Lightning cannon fired during WW II.
  The other model is based on 20mm Armor Piercing shells fired out of the M16A1 Vulcan Cannon on the F-16, F-15 and F/A-18's. These weapons fire up to 6,600 rounds per minute.
  The brass flashlights are 6 1/2 in. long, 1 1/4 in. dia. and weigh about 14 oz.They run on two AA batteries. The 20mm Bullet Flashlight sells for $34.95 plus S&H and the 20mm Armor Piercing Flashlight sells for $39.95 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Venturetek, Inc., P.O. Box 9, New Paris, Ind. 46553 (ph 574 831-3790; email: info@bulletlite.com; website: www.bulletlite.com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #1