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Industrial Strength Suet Feeder Raccoon Proof
I came up with this industrial strength suet feeder that's totally raccoon proof. It's constructed of heavy steel mesh and treated lumber. I just mount it on a tree, add suet, and watch the woodpeckers feed away. It cost me about $35 to make.
  If you thought the economy is unstable, you should see my homemade "Bonkers" squirrel feeder in action. It's a hollow wooden box suspended by an 18-in. length of chain. When the squirrel jumps onto it the feeder bounces, twists, and turns. He gets the ride of his life and I get the fun of watching. All I add is four handfuls of sunflower seeds. It cost me $35 to make.
  This 24-in. dia. camp fire ring draws air from the bottom, which eliminates most of the smoke that gags us. I get a brighter fire and more heat. The ring mounts on four 18-in. sq. patio blocks. All I do is add dry wood and light the fire. It cost me $120 to put together. (Dan Jacobson, 8913 Weaver Lake Drive, Pequot Lakes, Minn. 56472 ph 218 543-6623)

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #1