Domed "Hoop" Building Ready For Market
That first-ever hoop-type domed building that we told you about last summer (Vol. 26, No. 4) is now ready for market.
  Silver Stream Shelters is well known to FARM SHOW readers for its innovative wood-hoop structures and metal truss designs (Vol. 25, No. 2). Company owners Darryl Enns and Dave Arnold say their latest new creation is totally unique to the industry.
  "We invented a new hub which mounts at the peak of the building, joining conventional trusses to create a circular structure that's unlike anything on the market," says Enns. The building comes in 30, 38, 42, and 50-ft. dia. sizes.
  "We feel this building design will be ideal for cattle handling, grain storage, salt and sand storage, and even machinery storage. It might also work great as an indoor training facility for horses, as well as for many other uses that we haven't even thought of yet," says Enns. "It's a relatively inexpensive way to add extra storage to your farm and it also makes a great conversation piece."
  The new domed building can be covered with multi-colored tarps. Doors up to 12 ft. wide are set up between the arches.
  A 30-ft. dia. dome building sells for just over $5,000. Silver Stream wants to get a few of the buildings out and work with the owners on optional design features so they'll sell the first buildings at $3,150 for a 30-ft. and $4,170 for a 38-ft.
  Enns notes that in addition to the new domes, the company has a limited supply of wood frame and metal truss hoop buildings at a special price for FARM SHOW readers. For $2,995 you can get a 30 by 72-ft. building, including a 12.5-oz. tarp with a 15-year warranty.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Silver Stream Shelters, Box 1448, Altona, Manitoba R0B 0B0 Canada (ph toll-free 877 547-4738 or 204 324-4592; website: www.silverstream

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #3