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Self-Leveling Combine Sieve
"It keeps grain from being lost out the back of your combine on rolling ground," says Ron Murphy, inventor of a new self-leveling combine sieve that's designed to stop grain buildup along combine sidewalls.
The new sieve replaces the original chaffer sieve. It's fitted with rigid aluminum deflectors that separate chaffer sections. The chaffer sections each pivot freely from left to right, controlled by a 20-lb. steel pendulum that hangs outside the combine. A control rod connected to pivoting chaffer sections turns as the pendulum swings.
"It keeps the chaffer sections parallel to the plane of the pendulum so they remain level on slopes at all times," says Murphy. "The chaffer sections rotate from one side to the other while the rigid vertical deflectors keep grain from running downhill. On average, it lets you increase speed by 1n mph on sidehills with no grain loss.
"I've built models for Gleaner, Deere, and IH combines and haven't found a combine that it won't work on."
Sells for $1,500 to $2,500 depending on combine size and model.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Impro, Inc., 1349 East Clearwater Lane, Gilbert, Ariz. 85234 (ph 319 643-7300).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #4