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Quick Way To Seat The Bead On Wheel Rim Of Big Truck And Tractor Tires
Kenny Breeding, Davenport, Va.: "I've come up with a quick way to seat the bead on the wheel rim of big truck and tractor tires. A lot of these tires are tubeless and are so big it's hard to get enough air pressure to develop a good seal. My idea is kind of dangerous and a lot of care has to be taken, but it's easy to do. First I separate the bead from the rim and patch the tire. Then I chain the tire down to something solid like a post or tree so it can't bounce around (very important). Then, using a can of aerosol starting fluid, I spray a bit of ether inside the tire. Often I remove the valve stem and spray inside there. Then I fasten a piece of cloth to the end of a 10-ft. long stick and use it to ignite the fumes inside the tire. The resulting explosion will pop the bead back on the wheel rim.
  "How much ether I use depends on the size of the tire. For a big tire I use about one-fourth of a 12-oz. can."

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3