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Grain Truck Tag Axle
"This truck was just 8 years old and had only 25,000 mites on it so we didn't want to sell it. But we could never carry a full load because it would exceed legal limits. We decided to puta tag axle on it," says Ken Wise, Rockyford, Alberta., about his 4-ton GMC 7000 grain truck.
Commercial models cost as much as
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Grain truck tag axle TRUCKS Accessories 11-6-6 "This truck was just 8 years old and had only 25,000 mites on it so we didn't want to sell it. But we could never carry a full load because it would exceed legal limits. We decided to puta tag axle on it," says Ken Wise, Rockyford, Alberta., about his 4-ton GMC 7000 grain truck.
Commercial models cost as much as S5,200 and would have required lengthening the frame, so Wise built his own. He used a 1-ton Chevrolet axle. The axle shackles to the truck frame with 8 large U-bolts. The 16-in. wheels on each side flex independently on 5,000 lb. springs. A pair of heavy-duty shocks provide added suspension. The add-on axle's raised by a hydraulic cylinder that's plumbed into the dump hoist. There's 4 in. of ground clearance beneath the tires when the axle is raised.
"It solved our overload problem on roads and qualifies as a full legal tandem. I had to use smaller wheels so that I could still dump the box. It works great," says Wise.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Wise, Box 219, Rockyford, Alberta Canada TOJ 2R0 (ph 306 533-2254).
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