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Propane Tank Makes Nifty Lawn Roller
When Joe Konecny, of Pemberville, Ohio, saw a small rounded-end lawn roller, he got the idea for a way to make a bigger one.
  His brother, who works for a propane company, found him an old 10-ft. long rounded tank that's 3 ft. in dia. It weighs about 500 lbs. empty.
  "The tank had been empty for years, but, to be on the safe side, I totally filled it with water before doing any welding," he says. "I made a roller stand to set it in and rotated it as I welded."
  Full of water, Konecny guesses the tank weighs about two tons.
  A friend made spindles for each end with a bearing that slides over them that attaches to a frame made from scrap pipe, he says. A clevis hitch hooks it to the tractor.
  He keeps the tank about 1/4 full of water.
  "Its rounded ends don't scuff the lawn when I turn," he says.
  The entire project, including tank, cost him about $130.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joe Konecny, 1143 Devil's Hole Rd., Pemberville, Ohio 43450 (email: joe@freakyacres.com; website: www.freaky acres.com)

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3