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Book How To Restore A Farmall
We don't often do book reviews but a book showed up on my desk the other day that seems worth mentioning. It's part of a series of books on how to restore tractors. This one's called "How To Restore Classic Farmall Tractors". I liked it a lot, and I don't even own a Farmall!
  Written by Tharran E. Gaines, the book has 224 pages and hundreds of detailed photos that walk the reader step-by-step through a complete restoration. It includes everything from overhauling the engine to redoing the electrical system. What I like about it is how clearly it is written and how much detail is included for each step of a restoration project.
  Gaines has written other such books, including "How To Restore Classic John Deere Tractors", so he's got experience with the subject matter. Before getting into the book-writing business, he spent years writing owner and service manuals for all kinds of farm equipment.
  The book sells for $29.95. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Voyageur Press, 123 North Second Street, Stillwater, Minn. 55082 (ph 651 430-2210; website: www.voyageurpress.com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3