They Specialize In Special-Built Planters
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Any FARM SHOW reader who needs a special-built planter should look up Bill Meteer at Meteer Mfg., Athens, Ill. They specialize in splitter planters and specialty toolbars that you won't find anywhere else. I've worked with them for years in my travels finding stories for FARM SHOW and other major ag publications.
Here's an example of a recent job they did for Jack Wock & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill. Meteer married a new White 6300 air planter to an earlier model Deere 7100 finger pickup machine to build a 23-row splitter that can switch back and forth between wide and narrow rows. The Deere toolbar hitches up to the back of the White when they need narrow rows. Meteer designed some ingenious bridge hitch connections that let the two planters work together as one yet disconnect easily when no longer needed.
Contact: Meteer Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 221, Athens, Ill. 62613 (ph 217 636-8109; website: (C.F. Marley, P.O. Box 93, Nokomis, Ill. 62075 ph 217 563-2588)
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They Specialize In Special-Built Planters PLANTERS Planters 27-2-41 Any FARM SHOW reader who needs a special-built planter should look up Bill Meteer at Meteer Mfg., Athens, Ill. They specialize in splitter planters and specialty toolbars that you won't find anywhere else. I've worked with them for years in my travels finding stories for FARM SHOW and other major ag publications.
Here's an example of a recent job they did for Jack Wock & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill. Meteer married a new White 6300 air planter to an earlier model Deere 7100 finger pickup machine to build a 23-row splitter that can switch back and forth between wide and narrow rows. The Deere toolbar hitches up to the back of the White when they need narrow rows. Meteer designed some ingenious bridge hitch connections that let the two planters work together as one yet disconnect easily when no longer needed.
Contact: Meteer Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 221, Athens, Ill. 62613 (ph 217 636-8109; website: (C.F. Marley, P.O. Box 93, Nokomis, Ill. 62075 ph 217 563-2588)
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