2005 - Volume #29, Issue #4, Page #10
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Fence Post "Siding" Creates Log Cabin Look
"I always liked the log cabin look," explains Blakely. "The tin shed was originally used for hogs. I wanted to use it for a shop but it needed to be fixed up."
Blakely can often get broken posts for free from ranchers as they repair fence lines. He got lucky while working on his workshop when a local road project required removing and replacing two fence lines. Blakely got the fence posts.
His first step was to cover the outside of the building with plywood. The next step was to drill two to three holes in each post or part of a post and secure them with screws to the plywood. Once the shed was covered, Blakely insulated the interior and put in a workbench and wood stove.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lowell Blakely, P.O. Box 63, Dunning, Neb. 68833 (ph 308 538-2256).
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