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Easy-To Move Round Bale Feeder
In 1987, FARM SHOW reported on the Dahl Brothers, Montevideo, Minn., who had invented a new way to move round bale feeders using a loader bucket and a pronged hook on top of a feeder (Vol. 11, No. 4).
    When Mace Kanten, Revillo, S. Dak. bought one for his ranch, he liked it so much he contacted the brothers and eventually bought the fabrication equipment.
    He now sells the feeder as the "Upper Hand" Big Round Bale Feeder.
    "When the feeder is empty, take your loader tractor and place your round bale where you want to feed next. Then just lift the feeder with a loader and set it over the bale," Kanten says.
    Sells for $299.99 plus shipping.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, East River Machine Corp., 16705 - 480 Ave., Revillo, S. Dak. 57259 (ph 605 623-4506; email: kantenm@sstel.net; website: www.labolt.net).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #4